Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hey Girl Heyyyyy

Hi! Welcome to our blog. I guess you’re wondering “who are these chicks, and what the heck are they talking about”?! We are two twenty-something [one only slightly older than the other ;)] DC girls/event planners. We live, work, and play in our nations capital. One might think - wow that must be a fun filled life - carefree - constantly on the go - causing scenes in many a bar.

And yes, we do have our fare share of fun, but what also comes with being a twenty-something gal on your own in the big city is a lot of crap (i.e. public transportation). Like many before us and many after us, our lives are far from the big city adventures of Carrie Bradshaw. (Side Note: who the heck chooses Big over Aidan??? And how does one buy all those shoes on a columnist’s salary? However, we digress) Instead of red carpet affairs, weekends are more likely filled with babysitting, boyfriends (for some of us), family, dinner parties and figuring out ways to make ends meet.

So while we wouldn’t trade our life for the world, it’s definitely not all its cracked up to be. We intend on sharing our thoughts on what it is like to be the wonderfully fabulous average city girl. We’ll include our frugal fashion finds, event planning horror stories, city dining deals, tales of debauchery, and everything else that one might find interesting or, more importantly, entertaining.

We have decided to post under pseudonyms for two reasons. One: we would like to keep our identities somewhat of a mystery. And Two: we have the same first name. Yes, out of the 599,657 DC residence we happened to work in the same office of five women. For all intense and purposes we will be Belle and Cinderella (”someone” has an obsession with Disney Princesses- no judgement.)

The not-so-glamorous Life of the DC Divas is here for your entertainment...